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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

How my Friends respond to Covid19

Good morning all ... 
A couple months ago, I created a form asking my friends' opinion (IUJ students from IDP Program and Indonesian Friends) on Covid19. I made the form with nameless.  Some of my friends (only nine people) answered my question as follow: 

Question nomor 1: How did you see the effect of Corona Virus on economic condition? 

Answer : 
Student 1= Global recession.
Student 2= No worries. 
Student 3= TFP will decrease because some industries cannot get enough resources for production, especially resources from China. 
Student 4= Hm... karena wabah penyakit ini telah menyebar kebeberapa negara. Tentu saja kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah negara tsb berbeda-beda. Untuk Jepang yang menyarankan warganya untuk mengurangi aktivitas di luar rumah, tentu konsumsi dan produksi berpengaruh terhadap ekonomi. Begitu juga dengan Italia. Di Indonesia pemerintahnya menganjurkan untuk melakukan perjalanan wisata dengan memberikan diskon tiket. Namun kekhawatiran akan terjangkit menyebabkan warganya tidak mau melakukan perjalanan wisata walaupun diberikan subsidi harga tiket. 
Student 5= It will effect economy by both supply shock.
Studendt 6= Kondisi ekonomi melemah, dikarenakan pemerintah dan perusahaan besar fokus untuk mengurangi resiko dan dampak dari virus tersebut. Kondisi seperti ini mungkin hanya bersfat temporary, dan diharapkan ke depannya ekonomi kembali berfungsi dengan normal. 
Student 7=It is fasting spreading. 
Student 8= In my home town in Central of Vietnam, Corona Virus has effected on tourism significantly. Since tourism is one of the key industries with top list of countries from Korea, Japan, China, and Australia, America, etc. The number of tourists is dramatically decreasing due to the infection that the government is restricting most of flights from those countries. Some of the hotels or resorts are considering to be closed down for temporary due to the high cost of service maintenance while other entertaining places such restaurants, bars, parks, etc are not in business. People are in danger of losing their jobs.
Student 9= Many trends are going the opposite way, contigency plan therefore is always important at anytime.

Qestion number 2: Do you have any advice how to deal with this Corona Virus? 

Student 1=Just listent to what expert says.
Student 2= No.
Student 3= Keep clean (washing hand).
Student 4= Follow all regulation and advice from your local authority. For us in IUJ, follow the guidelines that IUJ given. In terms of medical, we need to find the "vaksin" asap. 
Student 5= Don't be panicked and be well prepared with proper information. 
Student 6= Bersikap biaja aja, jangan panik, namun tetap menjaga kesehatan. Tidak hanya karena virus corona, menjaga kesehatan itu harus terus dilakukan, bahkan setelah wabah ini usai.Tingkatkan daya tahan tubuh dengan cara mengkonsumsi makanan yang baik dan berolah raga, dan menggunakan masker apabila sedang flu atau batuk, untuk mengurangi penyebaran kepada orang lain. 
Student 7= Wash your hand systematically and frequently and keep yourself healthy. 
Studnet 8= One of the advice is that through TV and social channels, the government should provide further information on the spread of Corona Virus as well as instructions on preventing themselves from getting infected so that people can have a higher awareness on this global epidemic. Next is that people should seriously take this issue into account and properly follow basic necessary prevention measures such us washing hands frequently every 20 seconds, wearing a mask whenever going to crowded places, getting checked at hospitals if any symptoms such as fever, coughing, etc. Beside, the government may call for help by fundrising from big corporates or other stakeholders together to offer people who are in quarantine period and provide the locals with medical consultant or toolkits  so that the locals can have immediate check-up when needed as well as free supply of masks to the locals etc.
Student 9= Don't travel to those infected places much. 

NB: I wrote the form in March 2020

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